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NASCAR Drivers Monetize Through 3D Scanning

While 3D printing is becoming an increasingly common concept in the consumer landscape, businesses and personalities are just now beginning to realize the opportunities of 3D scanning. Of all the groups that could stand to benefit from the application of this technology, celebrities and sports figures may have one of the largest untapped potentials.
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Three Reasons Why 3D Printed Portrait Photography Will Withstand the Test of Time

As evidenced by the Google Arts and Culture portrait app that recently went viral,  the practice of portraiture will always be alive and kicking for as long as human beings remain sentient on this planet. As the social media boom of the past two decades transformed how we present ourselves both online and off, the desire to remain in control of our own narratives through digital storytelling remains one of the most pervasive and impenetrable social forces at work in today’s world.

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Top Reasons to Invest in a 3D Portrait Business [Infographic]

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3D Printing: $550 billion by 2025

McKinsey, a worldwide management consulting firm, predicts that additive manufacturing could have an economic impact of $550 billion annually by 2025. 3D printing has always been seen as a solution to the complicated process of taking a product from design to finished product, but has never fully caught on- until now. The latest round of 3D printing technology is changing this by doing more to shorten the prototyping and manufacturing stages for bringing a product to market.

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Announcing TwinProtect and HD Retouching Now Available for Customers

We are extremely excited to announce the launch of TwinProtect and HD Retouching for all of our customers. Over the last few months we've been conducting a beta program to test the new features among a select group of customers, who use our full body 3D scanners to make 3D portraits. A quick primer on the new features:

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